Last October, Senior4Sustainability Erasmus+ project partners attended the 5th Transnational project meeting in Les Ulis, France, where the partnership representatives discussed about the final tunings, the financial status and gave feedback on the final results to be done.
Overall it was an opportunity to analyze all the points reached so far!

The main objectives of Senior4Sustainability project, were the support to the personnel working in the third- age sector, provide effective and tailored trainings, promote interdisciplinary cooperation in the development of active ageing programmes, provide a training that will help address social inclusion and non-discrimination of the elderly through innovative and integrated educational and environmental approaches, provide a tailored professional development on issues such as communication, collaboration and exchange among third age workers and developing the competences of third age sector personnel, particularly in motivating senior citizens to take part in learning and in volunteering programmes and International exchanges as an effective means to improve their active engagement in nature conservation.

During the final phase of the project, this meeting allowed partners to do an in-depth qualitative analysis and recall relevant outcomes and future recommendations to characterize the policy document.

The Multiplier Event has been organised in each partner country as well. Several people representing stakeholder organizations and target audiences attended the “Seminar on Effective Aging and Nature Conservation.” A number of organizations had the opportunity to participate in this event, including nursing homes for the elderly, universities, social NGOs, environmental NGOs, voluntary organizations, local government agencies and natural area managers, as well as actual senior citizens. Participation was also open to the general public free of charge.
During the multiplier events, the project outcomes were presented and discussed the set of resources, benefits, results and opportunities of the project. The workshops enabled organizations to be included in the Active Aging Observatory and the Stakeholder Project. During the seminar, organizations were motivated to adopt active ageing programs for nature conservation, thus promoting the continuation of the project benefits and available resources.
If you want to read more about the project results, here is the link for the website:
Stay tuned and don’t forget to follow the Facebook page: @Seniors4Sustainability