Seniors 4 Sustainability
Seniors Active Participation in Environmental Programmes and Campaigns

Seniors4Sustainability: “Seniors Active Participation in Environmental Programs and Campaigns” is a 2 years Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership in the field of adult education that aims at contributing to support the elderly by promoting their social inclusion directly through their empowerment, valorization and their active participation in environmental programs, and indirectly through targeted and general campaigns raising awareness for the third age’s usefulness and valorization, and through the encouragement of active ageing policies.
During the 2 years of project implementation Senior4Sustainability aims to develop the following list of Outcomes & Project results (PRs):
· A multi-level project website available in 7 Programme’s languages (EN/DE/IT/NL/ES/FR/PL) & Social Media pages.
· PR1: Best Practice Report: the project first step is the collection of national best practices to ensure that each partner addresses common issues to an agreed depth and according to ground-breaking techniques and knowledge extracted from references of excellence. This report will also include results from new surveys and debates organized with the elderly, active ageing staff, and stakeholders, namely through each partner’s network.
· PR2: Online Platform with Observatory: this result aims to develop a an online platform that will serve as a the main project documents and results repository, as well as for its relevant aims and objectives and funding information, therefore creating an e-learning/virtual Exchange environment for our target groups, and an online observatory of environmental projects involving elderly people as a showcase for successful stories/cases of green/active ageing programs in each Partner Country, also featuring a database of opportunities for senior volunteering initiatives for nature conservation.
· PR3: Handbook for senior volunteers in nature: it will address relevant topics and provide an educated decision for individuals willing to volunteer, and it will be available in EN/DE/IT/NL/ES/FR/PL, allowing to be used by a very wide audience across Europe.
· PR4: Senior volunteers for nature – Implementation handbook: to allow educators and volunteers to orderly implement programmes of senior volunteering for nature conservation by providing relevant resources.
· PR5: Seniors4Sustainability Training Course: Active Ageing and Nature Conservation: a modular training course that specifically addresses active ageing in nature conservation programs will be developed to support the acquisition of key high-value competences necessary for the establishing of such programs.
And, based on that the following Course will be implemented:

· C1: A 3 days Training Course for Active Ageing and Nature Conservation will be implemented in Berlin (Germany) designed for staff members of institutions dealing with elderly people or with nature conservation, willing to implement senior volunteer programs in the environmental field.
· PR6: Senior environmental volunteering programs Executive Package: this result will provide a ready-to-use documentation package for any entity wishing to implement a senior volunteer program for environmental action.
· PR7: Audiovisual instructive package: in order to supplement the learning experience for both the seniors and the staff members dealing with elderly and/or nature conservation and environmental education. Also, in order to make it more inclusive for people with reading difficulties, 5 audiovisual products will be developed, consisting in short animated videos.
· PR8: Policy paper: by the end of the project, partners will develop a policy document titled “Unravelling the potential of active ageing for nature conservation” which will address the main key aspects of the project and identified stakeholders to provide the project with a wider outreach.
· A final set of 6 Multiplier Events (E1-E6) will take place in each Country relying on 35 people representing organizations of stakeholders and target audience will attend an ‘Effective Ageing and Nature Conservation Seminar’ (210 in total).
· Elderly people & Senior Citizens;
· Staff working with third-age sector and Volunteers;
· Project Partners;
· Educational Staff involved in Social Inclusion, 3rd-age and the valorisation of natural resources;
· Associated Partners, Stakeholders and Decision-makers, as well as Municipalities, NGOs , SMEs and adult, youth and VET education Centers, working with volunteering and non-formal education programmes.

Seniors Active Participation in Environmental Programmes and Campaigns

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Project No: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000026030
This work © 2021-2023 by The partnership of the ERASMUS+ Seniors for Sustainability Project number: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000026030 is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.