Newsletter 01

The ageing of population is a worldwide phenomenon with critical implications for all sectors of society. Due to low birth rates, high life expectancy and migration flow dynamics, worldwide population is “turning grey”, and Europe is not an exception. An ageing population brings social, health, economic, and other issues. Overall in the EU, the total public spending of ageing is expected to increase by 1.7% to 26.7% of GDP between 2016 and 2070. In all countries, measures to help older people remain active and participative are a necessity, not a luxury. As populations grow older, the EC encourages the design of innovative policies and public services specifically targeted to older persons. The UN and the EC agree that quality ageing is a responsibility of all (private, public and civic sectors), and can only be created and sustained through joint efforts of multiple sectors. Therefore, in this context was conceived the idea of Seniors4Sustainability: “Seniors Active Participation in Environmental Programs and Campaigns” which is a 2 years Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership in the field of adult education, that involves 6 countries (Germany, Poland, France, The Netherlands, Italy and Spain), who will work together supporting the elderly by  promoting their social inclusion directly through their empowerment, valorization and their active participation in environmental programs, and indirectly through targeted and general campaigns raising awareness for the third age’s usefulness and valorization, and through the encouragement of active ageing policies.

Finally, during the past 26th of April 2022 the kick-off meeting of the project Senior4Sustainability took place in Berlin (Germany) and, during this occasion the 6 project Partners were able to discuss in detail all the next planned activities and digital tools that will be soon available for seniors as well as for adult workers, trainers, educators and volunteers involved in adult support actions.

As an anticipation, please check out the brand-new project website, available in English, German, Polish, French, Dutch, Italian and Spanish language.

Thanks for your attention and Stay Tuned for more news about the project Senior4Sustainability.

This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project No: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000026030

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